This is the base Jekyll theme. You can find out more info about customizing your Jekyll theme, as well as basic Jekyll usage documentation at

You can find the source code for the Jekyll new theme at:

You can find the source code for Jekyll at


  • Ruby

    The Ruby language is my workhorse scripting language, for both full-fledged applications and impromptu utility scripts. I often use Ruby as a glue between scripts from more specialized languages, such as R and SQL.

  • Ruby on Rails

    This is my primary web framework, which I've used to build award-winning in-depth news projects that can handle traffic from millions of users. I've also built apps using the more minimalist Sinatra and Padrino frameworks.

  • Databases

    My main production database languages are MySQL and SQLite, which I use as data stores for both web applications and large data-mining operations and analyses. I've also used MongoDB for web applications.

  • JavaScript

    Most of my JS work is in user-interface features and visualizations with libraries such as jQuery, D3, and Highcharts. I also have some experience with client-heavy frameworks such as AngularJS.

  • Code and project management

    I use git daily for tracking personal and for managing professional team projects and I regularly contribute to Github open-source repositories. I have extensive experience in test-driven development, particularly with the RSpec and Jasmine libraries.

  • System Operations

    I've deployed, secured, and maintained web sites both on hosted platforms and custom cloud servers, including Heroku and Amazon EC2.

  • PHP

    This was my first language for building interactive news projects, including a crime mapper, and I currently use it to maintain WordPress sites.

Contact me

You can email me at